
CS110 is a companion course to students admitted to UCSB-ERSP and is also open to other CS/CE majors. Enrollment is limited by the number of available projects. The goal of the course is to learn foundational knowledge and skills needed to do research in Computer Science. Students will ground their learning in research projects under the supervision of a faculty member in Computer Science.


CMPSC 110 Usual Schedule

For details on this year's schedule, please contact Prof. Ziad Matni (

Topic by week

Week 1 
Introduction to research and teamwork

Week 2
Reading and discussing research papers

Week 3
Presenting research problems & Searching the literature

Week 4
Independent learning 

Week 5
Writing Workshop & A deeper dive into literature searching 

Week 6
General Methods and Ethics

Week 7
Peer reviews

Week 8
Writing up Research Proposals and Incorporating Feedback

Week 9 (Thanksgiving Week)
Effective Presentations 

Week 10
Student Research Proposals & Presentation Drafts

Finals Week (Week 11)
Student Group Presentations