If you are a student interested in applying to the ERSP program, read the FAQ below.

Answers to the following questions can be found in the Syllabus:

  • How much of a time/work commitment is this program? Equivalent to a 4 unit class or more?
  • Just to make sure I understand this program correctly so we would spend the first quarter making a research proposal and start on the research in the remaining two quarters?
  • I still want to know more details about the program, for example the class content that we're going to have in the Fall and the format of the research project like are we going to work together with people who have similar interests or work on our own.
  • What are we going to learn in the course?
  • What exactly is CS research and what does the course entail?

Below are answers to some FAQ. Click on each question to find out the answers.

Selection to the program is NOT solely made based on GPA. Multiple reviewers will asses the following criteria.

1. Diversity: One of the goals of ERSP is to support students who face challenges in their minority status in CS including: race/ethnicity, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, first-generation college status, ability. Students in ERSP must demonstrate an awareness of the specific challenges faced by students from these populations, and express how their participation will help support and increase success of students from groups currently underrepresented in CS. However, you do not have to yourself be from a minority group to apply or to participate.

2. Motivation/Dedication: You must express why you are interested in exploring research in CS and in this program in particular.

3. Performance: You must meet minimum GPA standards (overall and within CS courses) to be selected. Usually the threshold is around a 3.3 (but it can vary from year to year). 

Unfortunately, at this time the program is only available to undergraduate students, with preference given to students in their second year of Computer Studies at UCSB.
The workload in Fall is approximately 16 hours/ week (equivalent to a 4 unit course). In Winter and Spring its around 10 hours/week. The recommendation for Fall is to enroll in no more than 17 units (including this course) but don't drop your other classes until you are sure that you have been admitted into the program.
You would have to enroll in a research methods class (CS 110) in the Fall quarter. Refer to the course page for more detail.
In the Fall, you have to take CS 110 and be available for the class lecture times (like any class you register for). For your meetings with your group and your technical mentors, you usually have flexibility to make arrangements for meeting times.
Yes, the meeting times with the faculty advisor in Fall, Winter and Spring can be flexible and we can work with you and your team to find a common schedule.
Please check the application page. Applications will be made available in the Spring quarter and the outcome will be known by Summer.
Great question! The goal of the program is to address this very issue. This is done in three specific ways:

1. Faculty participating in the program scope a problem that is appropriate for students in their second year. While students are not expected to know *everything* that they need before they get started, with sufficient motivation they should be able to learn new knowledge and skills to complete their project.

2. Students have a quarter (sometimes more) to learn the knowledge and skills that they would need to carry out the work.

3. There is more support built into the program. Each team is supported by their peers (moral support of others in the same boat), graduate students and faculty for technical guidance.

See response for the above question.
Your research project will be connected to a live project in the faculty's area.
The normal DFW rules for other courses apply here.
Gain the basic skills to do research in an educational setting, figure out if you would like to continue pursue research/grad school, be in a better position to join a research lab and contribute to live projects.